Who am i?

i am a solidity engineer, smart contract developer, web3 programmer.

Familier by: hardhat, foundry, remix, git, github, gitlab -- Agile, Scrum, Jira, Slack...

Talks about: #btc, #ethereum, #solidity, #blockchain, and #cryptocommunity

My Vision

About blockchain

Perhaps the most important human achievement is community!
But there is no clarity and transparency in any community like blockchain.
From transaction without intermediaries to fraud-free voting, all made possible through smart contracts on the blockchain platform.
In the blockchain community, democracy can be felt in the virtual community.
The most interesting point for me is this transparency, how about you?

Reach me

at linktree: https://linktr.ee/mosi.sol


Solidity , Web3

Armstrong Number

Armstrong Number algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Factorial algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Linear Search

Linear search algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Perfect Number

Perfect Number algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Calculate Power

Calculate Power using recursion algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Reverse Value

Reverse value (number) algorithm, in solidity smart contract

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Average Numbers

Average numbers using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

EVEN or Odd Number

EVEN or Odd using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci number using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

Role Generator

Hash role generator using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

Role Generator

Role generator using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

Sum | Add

Sum (add) using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

Swap Value

Swap value using bitwise operator, in solidity smart contract

Cipher - ABJAD Method

Cipher abjad algorithm, in solidity smart contract

Cipher - Caesar Method

Cipher caesar algorithm, in solidity smart contract

Cipher - Enigma Method

Cipher enigma algorithm, in solidity smart contract

Cipher - Validation Method

Cipher validation algorithm, in solidity smart contract

Cipher - Morse code

Cipher algorithms, in solidity smart contract

Cipher - Morse code

Cipher algorithms, in solidity smart contract

Crypto Job

Crypto Job. IF { learning solidity (smart contract) } THEN { freedom on job & life };


NFT ERC721 - English auction

Crowd fundraising campagin

defi - crowd fundraising, campagin


escrow contract


ico, ipo, ido ...


Insurance rules for supply chain: incoterms


Membership by using NFT. [721,1155]

Multisig Wallet

on-chain multisig wallet

Staking NFT

NFT Staking for reward

Swap Erc20 Token

create & remove pool + swap 2 pairs


Tokenize method

Wrapped Erc20 Token

wrapped erc20 token

Random Number

Random Number on-chain, in solidity smart contract

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Whitelist on-chain

Solidity on-chain white list algorithms, in solidity smart contract

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Connect Wallet

Connect wallet to blockchain


Buy me a cofee, using cryptocurrency.

Generate HD-Wallet

Generate HD-wallet: phrase, private & public key, nested wallet address

Generate Wallet

Generate wallet: phrase, private & public key

Listen Events

Listen Events from transactions.

Read Blockchain

Read data from blockchain

Recover Wallet

Recover wallet by phrase

Sign Message

Sign message & verify.

Sign Message

Sign message & verify.

Youtube - Solidity in Farsi

Solidity in farsi language - on youtube