


We offer the auditing services to clients in the blockchain industry. We offer a range of services that meet the evolving needs of clients, and we are committed to providing secure and trustworthy auditing services using innovative tools and technologies.

Smartcontract Security Audit

A solution to the problem of insecure and vulnerable smart contracts.

  • Static   Analysis
  • Static   Audit
  • Static   Detection
  • Static   Report
  • Dynamic   Analysis
  • Dynamic   Audit
  • Dynamic   Detection
  • Dynamic   Report

The blockchain industry is rapidly growing, and many companies are turning to blockchain technology to improve efficiency and security. However, the complex nature of smart contracts makes them vulnerable to errors and security vulnerabilities. Without proper auditing, these vulnerabilities can lead to significant financial losses and reputational damage for companies.


Our range of services will meet the evolving needs of the blockchain industry and provide a secure and trustworthy solution to the problem of insecure smart contracts.


Not installation require


What we do

Our services include smart contract auditing, ongoing access to auditing tools and services through a subscription model, specialized audits for specific industries, and consulting services for strategic advice on smart contract security and risk management. Additionally, we will offer a white-label auditing service that allows other companies to offer smart contract auditing services under their own brand. Our range of services will meet the evolving needs of the blockchain industry, and we will continue to develop new tools and technologies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of audits.

Static Analysis 50 Vulnerability
Static Audit 50 Vulnerability
Static Detection 50 Vulnerability
Static Report 50 Vulnerability
Dynamic Analysis 50 Vulnerability
Dynamic Audit 50 Vulnerability
Dynamic Detection 50 Vulnerability
Dynamic Report 50 Vulnerability


Our three years roadmap (you can found it in our public businessplan - public pitchdeck)
The job opportunities hidden in this roadmap.


First year

In conclusion, the first year roadmap for a blockchain auditing company is a well-rounded plan that focuses on key areas such as brand awareness, efficiency, international expansion, and talent acquisition to meet the demands of the growing blockchain industry. By implementing these strategies, the company can position itself for success and growth in the competitive world of blockchain auditing.

  • Q1: Establish partnerships with key players in the blockchain industry to increase brand awareness and generate leads for smart contract auditing services
  • Q2: Launch new automated auditing tools to improve efficiency and accuracy of audits and attract new clients
  • Q3: Expand sales and marketing efforts to target international markets and increase revenue streams
  • Q4: Hire additional audit specialists to handle increased demand for auditing services

Second year

The second year roadmap for a blockchain auditing company includes launching a subscription service, developing a training program, expanding the range of auditing services, and creating a customer loyalty program.

  • Q1: Launch a subscription service to provide ongoing access to auditing tools and services and generate recurring revenue
  • Q2: Develop a training program to educate clients on smart contract security and best practices
  • Q3: Expand the range of auditing services offered to include more specialized audits for specific industries (e.g. healthcare, finance)
  • Q4: Create a customer loyalty program to incentivize repeat business and referrals

Third year

The third year roadmap for a blockchain auditing company includes partnering with industry associations, launching a white-label auditing service, developing a blockchain-based platform, and expanding the team.

  • Q1: Partner with blockchain industry associations to gain exposure and establish credibility as a trusted provider of auditing services
  • Q2: Launch a white-label auditing service to allow other companies to offer smart contract auditing services under their own brand
  • Q3: Develop a blockchain-based platform to provide clients with real-time auditing updates and improve transparency of the auditing process
  • Q4: Expand the team to include more developers to work on the development of new auditing tools and services


Our services include smart contract auditing, ongoing access to auditing tools and services through a subscription model, specialized audits for specific industries, and consulting services for strategic advice on smart contract security and risk management. Additionally, we will offer a white-label auditing service that allows other companies to offer smart contract auditing services under their own brand. Our range of services will meet the evolving needs of the blockchain industry, and we will continue to develop new tools and technologies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of audits.

Easy to use

No need to install any program on your device

High speed

Not require powerful device, because we handle this for you

Multi usecase

Analyzer, Reporter, Bug Detector, Warning Detector, etc...
